Friday, December 7, 2012

What salary at the Russian hospital attendant

Not for a long time it was necessary to be the hospital attendant in Cardiological hospital. How you think how many pay to hospital attendants in Russia?

That I to you will reveal this secret! In a month 4700 roubles (these are 156 dollars) and after will subtract from the salary the tax there will be 3850 roubles (128 dollars) pay only.

And if to subtract also expenses for journey to hospital that from this sum it is possible to subtract also 40 %, here such great Russia!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Verse about Russian military registration and enlistment offices which a deceit take away sick people in army

At the patient time lasts longer when he realises,
That him have deceived, having sentenced to military service.

Russian military registration and enlistment offices lie again, lie better
That there are more than money in a pocket at you was...
But me to spit on such business
This business is more expensive than health or lives of people?!

Monday, November 5, 2012

The song text - Military slavery in Russia

Has started to write a song about a disgrace of military registration and enlistment offices, about general Russian slavery of simple people.

Here a draught copy:

Russia is always necessary obedient slaves
The army will help to bring up them
Patriotism in films and songs - enflame young minds
The military registration and enlistment office is always glad healthy and patients to send on a mortal feast

Over recruits the indifferent sight will slip
On them to spit, if only to workers of a military registration and enlistment office to swallow the piece
One shouts I is sick, another whispersт to crying!

Military registration and enlistment office
To spit on thousand souls

Military registration and enlistment office
Will take away will from you

The Russian military registration and enlistment office - you become its slaves.

P.s. - Please rectify grammatical errors. Write them to comments.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1. Passage Final wirlds training mission

1) We approach to the button and we open a door

2) We collect cartridges to the weapon
3) The hole with the weapon opens. We take the weapon and we shoot at a target

4) When all targets are ready. We open a new door.

5) On the right in a hole we take a lantern, we include it. We pass a dark room.

6)Similarly we pass a room on the right overcoming obstacles

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Russian army

Whether and it is a lot of from you know, what in Russia violently call people in army? Them do not ask they want it or not and if someone disappears from army it are considered as the criminal.

Here and so, feudalism still exists. In the Russian army of people perishes more than in the war.

Though in military registration and enlistment offices also there are medical boards, but on them often intentionally do not notice illness of recruits, or simply them underestimate.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Whether it is easy to be Russian?

If will find errors in the text write to their comments.

Whether it is easy to be Russian? (Or can raise the question a little differently, and whether easily live in Russia? But partially I already wrote the answer to this question in one of the previous articles.) 

How at foreign people the Russian person associates? More often as wildishly bearded person in worn clothes (in some foreign films dressed in a self-made fur coat). 

We certainly can will be indignant to such representation, but mainly foreigners truly represent the Russian person, some in general think that bears easy go to Russia on cities. 

Russian people, it more than 90 % of poor people, which are ready to serve remained other rich people to snatch from them a profit piece. I even would tell that a certain shade of the serfdom in Russia remained till now. 

At many Russian people envy to other people always sits, especially to those which in an everyday life meet (for example neighbours more often that live better), and at convenient a case can make meanness. For now he will not give a sign, opposite will be the friend, suddenly that will break off … 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Game passage Stronghold Legends - The Earth Giants (To kill Orkisa)

Fast passage of mission the Earth Giants Stronghold Legends

If at you have appeared complexity in mission passage “the Earth Giants

That it is possible to create cheap and accessible soldiers “white witches” then sideways to fly up to the lock of a giant of Orkisa and to fire at it without problems.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Game passage Stronghold Legends - How to kill a dragon

In Stronghold Legends though in missions also frighten of dragons, but to destroy them very simply, enough one knight.

If from the very beginning to equip the lock (and district there not so convenient) to develop economy, gradually to employ soldiers for attack dragon it will occupy a lot of time and it will appear it is rather problematic, since giants will cause at first not a small damage.

On much more conveniently in the beginning game to create all necessary economic conditions then send the knight to attack dragons.

For this purpose it is necessary to attack a dragon behind or sideways then it will slowly turn in that place where there was a blow when his head will be almost near to the knight move the knight to other side of a dragon and again attack. The head of a dragon during the same time attacks an empty place where earlier there was a knight.

Apparently dragons in game are predicted as enemies in games of the dandy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Than the nettle is useful

Many probably dislike a nettle, assumes that this herb is useless, though the nettle is used in medical.
Mentions of nettle at national medicine of Russia are present in 17 century.

At an anaemia, Illnesses of a liver, Diabetes, Bad allocation of milk at feeding mothers it is possible to use such infusion:

In a small pan pour two glasses of water, bring to a boil, and then fall asleep in it three spoonfuls finely chopped nettle.